The abbreviated name of this ORF/gene: FLuc-fusion
The description of the protein encoded in this ORF: firefly luciferase with 6 extra N-terminal codons from BCL2
The translational frameshift (ribosome slippage) involved: 0
The ribosome read-through involved: no
The alternative forms of this protein occur by the alternative initiation of translation: no
The ORF absolute position (the base range includes START and STOP codons or their equivalents): 1151-2821
Annotation of the plasmid: 16-812: CMV immediate early enhancer/promoter; 751: CMV transcription start;
869-1005: chimeric intron; 977-1001: FWD primer; 1049-1067: T7 RNA polymerase promoter (-17 - +2); 1066: T7
promoter transcription start (+1); 1078-2215: BCL2 5'-UTR; 2216-3886: FFluc-fusion protein ORF; 4794-2139:
SV40 enhancer; 4983-5118: SV40 ori; 5200-5990: Kan/Neo resistance (neomycin phosphotransferase); 8208-8232:
REV primer
In vitro transcripts from this plasmid were used in Fig. 2. Otherwise pretty much useless construct showing
only that phpBCL2-FL in contrast to this plasmid is less translated because of the "php" stem loop barrier.
Fig. 4B shows that translation of capped and polyA tailed monocistronic mRNA is about 11x higher than that of
uncapped mRNA and that "php" stem loop as the barrier decreases translation down to about 8%.