IRESite record type: plasmid_with_promoter_and_putative_IRES_without_translational_characterization
The shape of the nucleic acid molecule translated: linear
The quality of the mRNA/+RNA sequence: hopefully_full-length_mRNA
The mRNA/+RNA description:
Bicistronic mRNA transcribed in vitro using T7 polymerase while transcription was supposedly terminated
immediately after the Tphi termination signal sequence. The CAT-fusion ORF sequence contains at its 5'-end
additional 32nt (including ATG) from HCV polyprotein followed by KpnI site, followed then by the SAP sequence
The mRNA/+RNA sequence represented in the +DNA notation:
Credibility of mRNA sequence: end-to-end_sequence_reverse_engineered_and_should_match_experiment