IRESite record type: plasmid_with_promoter_and_putative_IRES_translationally_characterized
The shape of the nucleic acid molecule translated: linear
The quality of the mRNA/+RNA sequence: hopefully_full-length_mRNA
The mRNA/+RNA description:
Putative spliced transcript of phpRMF plasmid from SV40 promoter containing full-length 5'-UTR (1-395 bp) of
c-myc mRNA transcribed from major P2 promoter inserted between renilla and firefly luciferases as PvuII-NcoI
insert with a hairpin in front of the first cistron
The mRNA/+RNA sequence represented in the +DNA notation:
Warning: mRNA sequence when devoid of trailing 'A's is still not a substring of the plasmid sequence. Is it because an intron is spliced out? Stay calm then. :-)
Credibility of mRNA sequence: end-to-end_sequence_reverse_engineered_and_should_match_experiment
The relative translation efficiency in % of this IRES: 387.000
Name of IRES used as the positive control: c-myc_1-395
Name of the plasmid used as the positive control. pRMF
IRESite Id of the plasmid used as positive control. 25
The relative translation efficiency in % of the positive control: 100.000
The size (length) of intercistronic region in the positive control: 446
The effect of 5'-cap analogs on translation: not tested
Rapamycin affects translation: not tested
Type of RNA subject to translation: endogenous_nuclear_RNA_Pol_II_transcript
As a positive control was used HeLa cell line transformed by similar vector pRMF lacking the stem-loop in
front of of the first cistron. The hairpin loop impairs translation (by 75%) from the first cistron while
translation from the second cistron is not affected. Thus, the relative ratio 2nd/1st citron increases. Data
from Fig. 2c. The original relative renilla/firefly luciferase activities were normalized by authors against
beta-galactosidase activity (co-transfection control).