Description of the plasmid (facultative for promoter-less plasmid records): Almost the full length 5' UTR from human AQP4 mRNA (from nt -275 to nt -1 of the original sequence) and the
first 7 nts (+1 to +7) from AQP4 ORF has been cloned between the beta galactosidase and chloramphenicol acetyl
transferase reporter genes.
This promoter-less variant of pBiCAQP4 (IRESite ID: 488) was prepared by removing the CMV promoter using NruI
and HindIII restriction sites.
The in vivo produced transcripts are heterogeneous (due to any of promoter?/splicing?/cleavage?/breakage?): not tested
The in vivo produced heterogeneous transcripts occur due to alternative splicing: not tested
A promoter reported in cDNA corresponding to IRES sequence: not tested
The description of the protein encoded in this ORF: chloramphenicol acetyl transferase
The translational frameshift (ribosome slippage) involved: 0
The ribosome read-through involved: no
The alternative forms of this protein occur by the alternative initiation of translation: not tested
The ORF absolute position (the base range includes START and STOP codons or their equivalents): 4195-4854
The plasmid was used as the negative control for experiments in article A search for structurally similar
cellular internal ribosome entry sites (Baird et al., 2007; PMID:17591613).